Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Million Dollar Question !

A news item once appeared in Times of India long back that to everybody's surprise a young man was going around one area of Delhi and distributing Rs.500 notes to every one he came across. Some people did accept it with surprise and others accept it as God' Gift.The sceptics though did accept it but did not forget to examine its genuineity. Then to everybody's surprise the notes were found to be genuine.But before that some vigilant people informed police smelling something fishy about the incident and the gifter was arrested by police kept in police custody. In the police station also he started distributing some RS.500 notes. Polce also on verification by some experts found the notes all genuine. Police asked the man regarding the intention of such misplaced charity. The man answered that he was in his mission to change the destiny of some men.The man apeeared to be coming from a decent lineage. He was well dressed and was speaking good english. Ultimately Police let him free.

  Incidents of such nature often happens and many of us forget about it without bothering deep in to it. This unusual act of charity of a man whether in a sane or insane mind or in some sort of hallucination was treated by each and every individual either witnessing the show or as a beneficiary of the kind act with disbelief unitil the genuineity of the notes were proved.

  If we analyse the event objectively, we will see that a happenning is believed to a happening if it happens in a set pattern and according to our imagination route.Also it has to take place in a suitable environment. When Udit Narayan, the noted singer distributed Rs.500 notes at SINGHDWAR of famous Puri Jagannath temple, people believed the act as charity but the act of charity happenning at a street becomes an act of madness and raises suspicion. A beggar offering money in cahrity can be consided as a fraud or amagician knowing the art of making one currenct note exactly two.

   I remember once a good friend of mine Rabi Pattanaik at that time a Manager of a commercial Bank rushed to Bhubaneswar from a far off frontier of Orissa,Rairangpur struck with wonder, awe and delight with the prospect of mobilising a one million dollar deposit from a customer. At that time I was working in the same commercial bank as an officer in charge of foreign exchange transaction.Certainly the idea of mobilising such a hefty amount from a man is great but whether this an idea to be bought or to be simply rubished is a million dollar question, I suggested Mr Pattanaik. Mr Pattanaik told me that the possessor of the note carries also a certificate in proof of the currency note's genuinity. Mr Pattanaik was scratching his head and was running short of ideas how to make me believe and start the topic of the modalities of converting the million dollar in to rupees. With my sceptical looks I said ,"Mr Pattanaik how is the man ? Any idea regarding his whereabouts ? His trade, business connections ? Is he worth 1 Million dollars ?" Mr Pattanaik has no clue to offer."My dear friend currency itself is simply a paper printed on it the promise of Reserve Bank or Federal Reserve to pay the amount. It itself has no value."Is he worth 1 million dollars? Mr Pattanaik was somehow not convinced and left. After I met Mr Pattanaik four years after I could know that the man was a fraud.  

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Sometimes a small stray happenning done even without intention of creating a consequence snowballs into a great event. Even t is not planned,even it is not organised, even i is not spread but the incident takes a turn to become a great event to lead to a great goal.

Friday, February 18, 2011

You love me and believe living a LIFE

The time you decided to believe me;
I decided to accept you as my life.
You gulped without any thinking the poison of faith;
Since then I have been wondering What a love you have for Life!

what an elixir life is!

Do you know what is life !
It's so wonderful!
You may even make me a centiped but give me LIfe.
I shall live my life carrying my life silently.
Even if I slowly crawl among mud and gutter;
But I am happy that I have Life.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Enjoy Life among Hardship

The Caterpillar built with rouded rings
To move an inch has to move all parts connected to it.
Still it moves all day long and through night.
It has unsatiated hunger which creates the urge
To be unselfishly active.

It know not that in its despisable form
A beauty of butterfly with attemting wing is hidden.
If it waits and contnues its normal activities with movement and food
Without thought.
Then only incubation of a finer form is possible and a flight of
Beautiful butterfly is possible.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


For walking, a narrow passage is required just to go ahead.
But to flap wing for a flight upwards you require more space;
There should be no barricades and boundary near by
But a vast expanse of land which allows free movement with a feeling of freedom.

The sun shining in the sky shall be calling with invitation
"Lift yourself up,Lift yourself up".
The current of strong wind created by the strong desire of flight,
Shall lift you up.

Only in the beginning you have to allow the required space for facilitating flight
And then it will automatically spred its wing and fly above.

Now the aeroplane has gone up above in the sky and among the cloud to forget
That once it had to toil hard to lift its heavy body from the clogging friction of rough earth
Now for it from the sky high above it does not matter be it earth or water.