Saturday, February 5, 2011


For walking, a narrow passage is required just to go ahead.
But to flap wing for a flight upwards you require more space;
There should be no barricades and boundary near by
But a vast expanse of land which allows free movement with a feeling of freedom.

The sun shining in the sky shall be calling with invitation
"Lift yourself up,Lift yourself up".
The current of strong wind created by the strong desire of flight,
Shall lift you up.

Only in the beginning you have to allow the required space for facilitating flight
And then it will automatically spred its wing and fly above.

Now the aeroplane has gone up above in the sky and among the cloud to forget
That once it had to toil hard to lift its heavy body from the clogging friction of rough earth
Now for it from the sky high above it does not matter be it earth or water.

1 comment:

  1. Sir, This poem is meaningful.

    Frankly speaking, I had a bit goose-flesh effect while going through third and fourth stanza.

    (The sun shining in the sky shall be calling with invitation
    "Lift yourself up, Lift yourself up".)

    It reminded me of my first experience when plane took off.

    We need vast experience (“flap wing for a flight upwards you require more space”) and learn from mistakes and difficulties (“once it had to toil hard to lift its heavy body from the clogging friction of rough earth”) so that trouble will not come on our way in long run. (“Now for it from the sky high above it does not matter be it earth or water.”)

    With regard,

